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Neurosurgeon Marketing

Performance-Based Neurosurgeon Marketing

Proven patient generation system for neurosurgeons. Marketing without retainers. Without risk.

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Start Generating Patients Without Risk

Neurosurgeon Marketing Done Differently

How Our Neurosurgeon Marketing Company is Different

If you’ve been around the block with other agencies before, you’re likely accustomed to paying a hefty retainer each month. We’ve heard of companies charging in excess of $4,000 a month for turn-key digital marketing packages! We charge $0.00 per month! That marketing company that charges hefty retainers hops on a call and tries to pitch you an increase of rankings, traffic, etc.  You can’t take rankings to the bank. How many new patients are you actually getting? Are they guaranteeing you will receive patients? Are they only getting paid when they get you a new patient consultation? Chances are they would never offer a performance model because they are not confident in their abilities. We’ve designed our program to do just that, offer a performance model. To mitigate as much risk as possible so we are partners that are in this together. If we don’t perform, we don’t get paid. If you don’t convert patient consultations into surgeries, you won’t stay. Our interests are simply aligned. 

Our team asks for a small setup fee to build your entire patient generation machine for you. We’ll build out a granular adwords campaign proven to convert searches into leads. We’ll manage those ads for free. 100% of your money goes to ads, not our pockets. We’ll then follow up with all of your patients, for free. Only when a patient books a virtual consultation or shows up in-person are we paid. We’re true partners in this scenario, on your side working hard at no-cost until we perform. The proof is in the pudding, so head over to our testimonials page which is dedicated to our clients sharing their experience working with us. 

There is one downside, we can’t take on multiple surgeons in the same area. See if your territory is available for performance neurosurgeon marketing today. 

Benefits of SEO

Benefits of Digital Neurosurgeon Marketing

Specific Types of Neurosurgeon Digital Marketing

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Neurosurgeon SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Neurosurgeon SEO is a fantastic approach to segway your website as an income producing asset. WIth organic neurosurgeon search engine optimization, you can expect your website to show up for specific keywords like neurosurgeon in [CITY HERE]. That is just one example but you can show up for several different variations of that keyword. There are multiple steps to ensure that your website is properly optimized but can visually be broken down into two primary components. Those components are on-page optimization and off-page optimization. Content creation is a critical aspect to both factors and takes a great deal of time. No matter how much money you have to invest into your SEO, it will take time. That is the downside, however a smart approach is to utilize both forms of digital marketing because while SEO builds steam, your paid search efforts are generating patients.

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Neurosurgeon PPC (Pay Per Click)

The instant way to get visibility is with neurosurgeon paid advertising. This is where you pay Google to show up for certain keywords. However, which keywords to show up for is the question. For instance, if you type neurosurgeon into Adwords, you are defining a broad match keyword and if someone searches for – neurosurgeon salary, your ad will show. That is not someone looking to utilize your services and would be a waste of money. This is how Adwords has gotten a bad name over the years. Several practice owners have tried to “do it on their own” and have failed simply stating “it doesn’t work”. That couldn’t be farther from the truth as we actively generate over 30 appointments per month in some markets for our surgeon clients. We’re so confident that we manage your ads for free and even will do the follow ups until your patients book a consultation at no charge. Removing all risk that comes with paying most agencies retainers. Did we mention there are no contracts and everything is month to month?

Various Types of Digital Marketing for Neurosurgeons

Neurosurgeon marketing is a critical aspect to running a practice which can feel overwhelming. With so many companies offering their products or services, how do you know which one will be the most effective for your practice? After all there is offline marketing for neurosurgeons. One prime example is hiring a marketer to try and build relationships with local personal injury attorneys. This can be quite the costly route. Most marketers will want a large base salary plus bonus’ based on volume. They must also have a budget to typically wine and dine the attorneys. This can equate to spending well over $70,000 per year when it is all said and done. That equates to almost $6,000 a month and you are rolling the dice if this method will actually bring any patients since you are reliant upon how the marketer performs.

The other type of marketing for neurosurgeons is digital marketing. The beauty of this type of marketing is that everything can be tracked very closely. However, many neurosurgeons we speak with have been burned or weren’t sure if the agency was providing any value. You can’t take marketing reports to the bank. But you can take patients to the bank. Wouldn’t it be great if neurosurgeon marketing companies just guaranteed their results? Imagine asking the neurosurgeon marketing agency to work for free until patients actually scheduled a virtual consultation. That is exactly what we offer. You pay for the online ads on a monthly basis. 100% of your money goes to Adspend, not our pockets. We’ll manage the ads for free. We’ll work te leads for free. Only when a patient schedules a virtual consultation are we paid. There is $0.00 in monthly retainers. We work purely on performance. So we’re in this together. Our clients value our expertise and innovative approach to helping them reach their practice goals without risk.