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11 Different Types of Leads for Plastic Surgeons

In this blog post, we’ll review 11 different types of leads for plastic surgeons. Leads are defined as a potential patient who expresses interest in learning more about specific procedures. From the very definition, it is obvious why lead generation for cosmetic surgeons is such a critical component to a thriving practice. However, prior to reviewing the 11 different types of leads generating it is important to understand a very important point. 

Plastic surgery lead generation is only half of the work. Getting that lead to complete an initial consultation is vital. Allow me to give an example with mathematics. If you generate 100 leads but only 10 patients show up for a consultation, is that satisfactory? That is a 10% conversion rate. Keep in mind, you paid for 100 leads. But you were only “at bat” to win that procedure 10 times. The other 90 times you can’t win the procedure if they never walk through your doors. Curious to learn additional methods to generate more leads? We encourage you to read our 21 Marketing Ideas for Plastic Surgeons

For this reason, if you do not have a system that is replicable to manage your influx of leads you can dump all the money into leads for plastic surgeons but never see truly spectacular results. This is why at Advertising for Surgeons we charge no monthly retainers and created the Pay Per Consultation™ campaign. It is where you only pay when patients show up to consultations. It allows you to stop worrying about lead generation, managing the leads, scheduling the leads, rescheduling the leads, following up with your leads, etc. You can learn more by viewing our How it Works page

Now, let’s take a look at the 11 different types of plastic surgeon leads.

Table of Contents:

  1. Patient Referral Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  2. Physician Referral Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  3. SEO Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  4. PPC Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  5. Remarketing Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  6. Google My Business Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  7. Email Marketing Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  8. TV Advertising Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  9. Radio Advertising Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  10. Social Media Leads for Plastic Surgeons
  11. Newspaper Leads for Plastic Surgeons

1 – Patient Referral Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Patient referral leads for plastic surgeons are highly sought after. That is because the patient that referred the new potential patient has already likely given you a rave review. Furthermore, they likely saw the results first hand and are amazed at your work. If practices could only fill their waiting rooms with these types of plastic surgeon leads, it’d be great. However, not everyone your patient knows will be in a financial position or want plastic surgery. For this reason, this type of lead isn’t scalable but has a really high consultation to booked procedure rate. 

How to Get More: Implement a customer referral appreciation program. Offer a free botox session for anyone who sends a patient who books a procedure. Another idea is to offer some sort of high-end face moisturizer. Alternatively, you can offer a redeemable coupon for use towards their next procedure. 

2 – Physician Referral Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Physician referral leads for plastic surgeons are just as desirable as patient referral leads. Cosmetic surgeons that are referred patients from other physicians are in a unique position. A figure of authority has recommended you so that recommendation will carry a lot of weight. As long as you give off a good patient experience and bedside manner, there is a very high likelihood that the patient will want to proceed with the procedure. The downside to this type of lead is similar to the above, scalability will prove difficult due to the very nature of the referral source and how frequently they see an ideal candidate to refer to you. 

How to Get More: Grow your network of physician referral sources. You can create contact providers who you deem relevant and that you can also send patients too. Create a two-way referral program where you share referrals with one another. It would be hard for someone to turn down a referral source. 

3 – SEO Leads for Plastic Surgeons

SEO leads for plastic surgeons are really high-quality leads because the potential patient has searched online and found your website. Organic results typically receive the lion’s share of CTR (click through rate) because most people are biased to organic results. Just think, do you go to the organic section or click on paid ads? Roughly 10% of people choose the paid ads. Plastic Surgeon SEO is extremely competitive so getting results can be a lengthy process. Many plastic surgeons have been burned by SEO companies, so finding one that works on a performance basis is usually a good bet to mitigate all risks. 

How to Get More: Ensure that your website is secure, loads quickly, that your NAP (name address phone) are all consistent on major directories, also be sure to blog with high-quality content that is at least 500 words, and more. There are several critical factors and it is best to find an expert that can help you get more advantageous rankings which will increase the amount of leads you receive. 

4 – PPC Leads for Plastic Surgeons

PPC leads for plastic surgeons are a fantastic lead source that can give near instant results when set up properly. The keyword there is setup properly. We’ve heard several first hand accounts of surgeons or patient care coordinators who attempted to create a campaign and burned through thousands of dollars. Quite the costly experiment. There are several types of PPC such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, and more. Each one requires a specific strategy so try to find a company that has proven results, video testimonials, and does everything possible to mitigate your risk. Not theirs. 

How to Get More: After tracking your conversion data properly, scale up on the ads that are proven to perform and generate you at least a 4:1 ROAS (return on Adspend). Continue to add negative keywords as you identify them. Increase budget in top performing locations and eliminate poor performing locations. 

5 – Remarketing Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Ever been followed around by an ad after looking at a product or service? You’ve just witnessed remarketing. You’ve likely thought, that’d be pretty cool if my website could do that. It can! You can create remarketing banners and have a competent company create a targeted and precision based remarketing list. The key here is to be sure to show ads to patients who are generally interested but may not have converted for one reason or another. The last thing you want to do is waste money by just showing ads to anyone. For instance, it can be counter productive to show ads to a patient who already booked a consultation because they already completed your desired action. 

How to Get More: Identify a new customer persona and create your remarketing list based on that data. Be sure you are utilizing website metrics like pages/visit and time on site to ensure that someone was generally interested in your website. Increase budget to receive more once ROI is proven positive. 

6 – Google My Business Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Google My Business leads for plastic surgeons will originate from local based patients when your verified business location appears in search. There are only 3 listings that generally appear when a patient searches for a plastic surgeon. If you are in a competitive area like Miami, Chicago, or Los Angeles; you may find it very difficult to rank in those top 3 spots. There are several activities that must be completed consistently and on a monthly basis in order to become one of the top 3 results when all competitors are trying to accomplish the same goal. The main problem is usually finding an agency that has a vested interest in your success and not just wanting to charge a monthly retainer. 

How to Get More: Open a new location in a new market. With Google My Business listings, you can generally only show up in a specific radius around your main location. Once you are successful in showing up in the local map pack, it will be hard to acquire additional leads from this source as you are either “found or not”. 

7 – Email Marketing Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Have hundreds of past patients emails? You are sitting on an untapped gold mine. You can always start an email marketing campaign and it is never too late! Email marketing usually doesn’t work when you purchase a list and can even have negative consequences. Have you ever had someone tell you they sent you an email and it hit your spam folder? That means they likely tried purchasing a list and email a spam trap email. So only use your patients emails that you collect when they fill out new patient paperwork. Utilize a service like MailChimp.com and start generating leads! 

How to Get More: Increase the amount of frequency that you send to your list. However, there comes a point where sending too much can have a detrimental effect. Start with once a month and work your way up to twice a month. Anything more than that might be viewed as aggressive and you can lose people who will unsubscribe as a result. 

8 – TV Advertising Leads for Plastic Surgeons

TV advertising leads for plastic surgeons can be quite expensive because it is a form of outbound marketing. You are hoping that your messaging and offer is strong enough to convince someone that they should take the time out of their day to schedule a consultation and convert into a booked procedure. Be sure your targeting (each network generally has different viewership) is on point because the last thing you want to do is to advertise a 20 year in a bikini to an audience who is over 60+ years old. 

How to Get More: If you have had success with this form of advertising getting more leads is as simple as asking your rep which stations share similar demographics. Be sure you are using a unique trackable phone number so you can differentiate between the amount of calls your main line gets and the number you are using for your TV commercials. 

9 – Radio Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Radio leads for plastic surgeons are similar to TV ads but without the visual aides. For this reason, many plastic surgery practices typically advertise non-invasive procedures on radio such as dermal fillers, botox, etc. Laser hair removal is another service that some plastic surgery offices will advertise on the radio. With startups like Pandora coming along, some view radio as a dying breed but you may be able to find some really good deals because radio stations need advertisers to cover their costs. Be sure to ask about their listener demographics and always start small with a trial to gauge profitability. 

How to Get More: If your campaign is successful, you can increase the frequency of your radio advertisements to try and increase the amount of plastic surgery leads you receive.

10 – Social Media Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Social media leads for plastic surgeons can eventually work great once you’ve built a large social audience or pay quickly to grow it. There are various social media sources such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and more. Testing each one is critical as top practices typically track ROI very closely to ensure that they are making a return on any investment. 

How to Get More: Once proven ROI is established, increase your budget which should increase your reach. You can also test other platforms with similar audiences. Always start small to ensure that your ads are providing you with results.

11 – Newspaper Leads for Plastic Surgeons

Newspapers leads for plastic surgeons are a great way to attract the baby boomer market. For that reason, newspaper advertising is not dead. If your specialty includes face lifts then you can surely try to utilize newspaper advertising. Always start small and be wary of newspapers who want you to sign long-term contracts. You’ll want to make sure that you are profitable prior to engaging with any company long-term.

How to Get More: If you see huge success with your advertisement, you should try to identify other similar newspapers that you can advertise in. Try a trial run with the competitors to the main newspaper you are running ads in. It is very important that you only choose to advertise locally as the further you get away from your practice the lower the likelihood that you will successfully generate leads.

In Conclusion

We hope this guide to 11 different types of leads helped you realize the various types of leads that can be generated for plastic surgery practices. As a plastic surgeon marketing company, our goal is to always provide value to all of our readers! If we missed any type of leads for plastic surgeons that fills your practice with consultations, please let us know! 

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